IUD Insertion

IUD Insertion (Copper T, Multiload)

The intrauterine devices or IUDs are simply T-shaped small devices placed in the womb to avoid further pregnancy. To the end, a plastic string is fixed for removal and proper placement. IUDs are easy to reverse birth control and they can be removed easily. But it should be removed only with care by a medical professional. An IUD is simply a kind of LARC or reversible contraception. The actual contraceptive action is not known but copper and hormonal IUDs work in their ways.

There are, generally, two types of IUDs


Hormonal IUDs

A small amount of progestin or hormonal IUD is released into the lining of the uterus. The cervical mucus gets dense so that sperm cannot penetrate through to the cervix. The growth of uterine lining is also slowed down by hormonal IUDs.


Copper IUDs

As the name suggests, these IUDs include a small part of copper to be entered into the uterus. They keep sperm from entering the egg. They immobilize the sperm on the path of fallopian tubes.


Is it possible to remove IUDs myself?

Never try to remove IUD on your own as it can cause serious damage. You should consult with a healthcare professional to get the IUD removed. They pull the string very precisely to a specific angle. It folds up the IUD arms and slides the IUD along with the cervix. A new IUD is usually inserted quickly when it comes to replacing it.  The cervix may rarely need to be dilated and the IUD is freed with a grasping device. A local anesthetic is used if it takes place. Hysteroscopic surgery might be needed in rare cases when IUD is removed with a small telescope.


Where to get IUD Inserted?

In order to get IUD insertion, it is recommended to contact your local gynecologist or doctor for birth control.


Is IUD Painful?

A physical checkup is conducted before placing the IUD to ensure that your reproductive organs are doing well and you don’t have any STDs. The gynecologist will ask about your lifestyle and medical history. It is because IUDs are not recommended for every woman. An IUD stays in place until it is removed by a healthcare professional. It is placed at any stage of the menstrual cycle and the menstrual period is the best time when the cervix is softest and there are the least chances to get pregnant.


Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter painkillers to take an hour before insertion to avoid cramps. Sometimes, anesthesia is given in the cervix before insertion to prevent painful cramps. After getting the IUD placed, you can easily get back to your normal life and you can enjoy every activity like before. Even exercise doesn’t affect the positioning of IUD.

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